Learn to build a responsive personal portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in this comprehensive tutorial. Master modern web design techniques including light-dark theme toggle, mobile responsiveness, accordion-style FAQs, client testimonial carousels, and a functional contact form. Explore advanced features like floating navigation, animations, and transitions. Follow step-by-step instructions to create an impressive online portfolio, from initial setup to final deployment. Gain hands-on experience with popular web development tools and libraries such as Google Fonts, Iconscout, SwiperJS, Mixitup, and Animate on Scroll. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have the skills to showcase your work professionally on the internet.
Intro Project Demo
Hosting & FREE Domain
Projects CSS
Mixitup JS
Testimonials Slides/Carousels & Swiper JS
FAQs Accordion
Contact & Form Submit
Custom Scrollbar
Light/Dark Theme Toggle with JavaScript
Animate On Scroll
Media Queries Responsiveness
How to deploy or upload your website on the internet
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