⌨️ Intro
⌨️ Functional requirements of design
⌨️ Accessible form controls
⌨️ Update CSS custom properties with JS
⌨️ Screen reader-only text
⌨️ Creating GitHub repo
⌨️ Set up SCSS and JS files
⌨️ Set up Gulp workflow
⌨️ Studying the design
⌨️ Building out the top bar
⌨️ Using accessible markup
⌨️ Styling top bar
⌨️ Styling toggle and make accessible
⌨️ What is BEM? Planning out the class names
⌨️ Adding the markup and the SCSS selectors for the cards
⌨️ Styles for card
⌨️ Layout for the card grid with flexbox, then CSS grid
⌨️ Styling the top bars on the cards
⌨️ Bottom cards markup and styles
⌨️ Changing the toggle based on comments
⌨️ Use system preferences to load light or dark theme
⌨️ Build the toggle logic to manually change light/dark theme
⌨️ Save toggle settings in local storage
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