Explore a thought-provoking conversation between essayist Pico Iyer and happiness expert Arthur Brooks as they delve into finding happiness amidst global turmoil. Drawing inspiration from the Dalai Lama, this 46-minute talk from the 2022 Aspen Ideas Festival challenges conventional notions of despair. Examine topics such as the causes of pandemics, the pursuit of happiness, the concept of emptiness, human suffering, and cognitive biases affecting our perception of happiness. Gain insights from these distinguished speakers as they share their expertise on cultivating joy and resilience in challenging times, offering a fresh perspective on navigating life's complexities.
Refusing the Sin of Despair - Finding Happiness in Challenging Times
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
What about you
The cause of pandemic
The Genius Bar
Teaching Happiness
The Pursuit of Happiness
The Concept of emptiness
What emptiness means
Human suffering
Unhappiness bias
Fading affect bias
The dirty secret
Taught by
The Aspen Institute