Explore a conference talk from Recon 2017 Brussels that introduces r2m2, a radare2 plugin designed to simplify reverse engineering of rare CPU architectures. Learn how r2m2 bridges the gap between radare2 and miasm2, leveraging their combined features to create a powerful and flexible reverse engineering tool. Discover the challenges of reversing binaries with uncommon architectures and how r2m2 addresses these issues. Gain insights into writing radare2 plugins, integrating miasm2 with radare2, and implementing new CPU architectures. Understand the capabilities of r2m2, including assembly, disassembly, block splitting, and conversion of miasm2 expressions to radare2 ESIL. Benefit from the speaker's expertise in reverse engineering, networking, and packet crafting as he shares valuable tips and techniques for working with r2m2 and related tools.
Recon 2017 Brussels - r2m2 by Guillaume "guedou" Valadon
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