* Introduction
* What is DevOps?
* Github CodeSpaces
* Create Python Project Structure: Makefile, requirements.txt, test file and virtualenv
* Importing code with IPython
* Writing tests with Pytest
* Using Pylint
* Verifying Pylint bad syntax catch
* Formatting code with Black
* Pinning requirements to a specific version
* Setup Github Actions
* Matrix Testing multiple versions of a Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 with Github Actions
* Using AWS CloudShell
* Using AWS Cloud9
* Adding virtualenv to ~/.bashrc
* Using AWS CodeBuild
* Testing Google Colab Notebooks and Jupyter Notebooks with nbval and Pytest
* Using pdb;pdb.set_trace and ipdb;ipdb.set_trace
* Using pytest-cov
* Using pytest with --pdb pdb debbuging during tests
* Using pytest with --pdb --maxfailures 1 to stop after first failure
* Using pytest to test a single test
* Using Pytest with fixtures
* Using Pytest setup_function and teardown_function to setup and teardown of tests
* Using flask web framework
* Testing flask web framework with pytest
* Extending flask with a greedy coin change machine
* Using click to create a command line interface
* Using Pytest to test click command line interfaces
* Matrix testing entire project with click, pytest, and nbval using Github Actions and multiple versions of Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9
Taught by
Pragmatic AI Labs