Key Concepts in Testing
Key Testing Terminology
Kazien equals DevOps
Setup Github
Setup Github Codespaces
Explaining Python pip freeze
Create Makefile
Pin requirements.txt
Cloud development environment concepts: AWS Cloud9 to Github Codespaces
Setup Github Actions
Configuring Matrix testing of Python
Building simple Python scripts as part of CI/CD and linting them with Pylint
Setup AWS CloudShell for CI/CD
Adding Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10 to Matrix testing
Setup AWS Cloud9
Refactoring Python project to include testing directory and library directory
Setup Python Test Coverage
Adding Pytest to Github Actions YAML file
Creating Python library file that searches wikipedia and tests it
Adding Python Fire command-line tool
Running Pytests by search expression
Running Pytests by specifying tests
Marking tests in Pytest and avoiding slow tests
Profiling testing speed using Pytest
Doing distributed testing with xdist to spread tests to multiple cores
Created distributed testing group to distribute to multiple cores
Setup 32 Core 60GB RAM Cloud9 Machine to run massively parallel Pytests
Running distributed testing that doubles the speed of the tests
Setup Cloud-Native AWS Code Build testing with buildspec.yml that does distributed testing to 8 Core Build client
Taught by
Pragmatic AI Labs