Embark on a captivating 54-minute journey through four decades of speech technology research with Hynek Hermansky, the Julian S. Smith Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns Hopkins University. Delve into the personal experiences, intuitions, and beliefs that have shaped Hermansky's career as he shares his excitement, frustrations, and surprising encounters in the quest to understand and emulate human speech communication. Gain insights into various techniques developed over the years, while focusing on the human side of research rarely documented in formal publications. Learn from the perspective of an accomplished researcher who holds a Dr.Eng. Degree from the University of Tokyo and is a Fellow of both the International Speech Communication Association and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Discover the journey of a scientist dedicated to unraveling one of humanity's most significant achievements – the ability to communicate through speech.
My Adventures With Speech - Hynek Hermansky (JHU) - 2013
Taught by
Center for Language & Speech Processing(CLSP), JHU