Neural Networks for Speech Recognition - 2013
Center for Language & Speech Processing(CLSP), JHU via YouTube
Explore the evolution and application of artificial neural networks in speech recognition through this comprehensive lecture by Nelson Morgan, a renowned expert in the field. Delve into the history of neural networks in speech tasks, spanning over 50 years, with a focus on multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) and their integration into HMM-based systems. Gain insights into the journey from early speech classification experiments in the 1960s to modern implementations, with particular emphasis on hybrid HMM/MLP approaches that have dominated the field for decades. Learn about the recent mainstream adoption of these techniques and their impact on speech recognition technology. Benefit from Morgan's extensive experience in signal processing and pattern recognition, including his pioneering work in using neural networks for commercial speech classification applications. Discover the key developments and milestones in this fascinating area of research, presented by an IEEE and ISCA Fellow with a distinguished career in speech processing and neural network applications.
Neural Networks for Speech Recognition - Nelson Morgan (ICSI, UC Berkeley) - 2013
Taught by
Center for Language & Speech Processing(CLSP), JHU