Is the Rorschach Ink Blot Test Valid?.
What is the Dunning-Kruger Effect?.
Can Violence be Predicted with the Macdonald Triad? (Homocidal Triad).
Can Nonverbal Communication Reveal Deception?.
Is the 93% - 7% Rule of Nonverbal and Verbal Communication True?.
Do Subliminal Messages Affect Human Behavior?.
Does Birth Order Affect Personality Traits?.
Does Controlled Aggression in Therapy Reduce Anger?.
Is Primal Therapy Effective?.
Bias in Research.
What is the Actual Probability that a Marriage Will End in Divorce?.
Should Alcohol be Illegal?.
Do Lie Detectors (Polygraphs) Really Work?.
Can Video Games Cause or Worsen PTSD?.
The PTSD Definition Controversy - What is a Qualifying Trauma?.
Is the ADHD Epidemic Real?.
Is Positive Thinking Necessary?.
The Role of Science in Counseling.
Is the Eye Movement Element of EMDR Effective?.
Process Addiction vs. Substance Use Disorder.
Mechanisms of Anger and Outbursts of Anger.
What is the Meaning of Dreams?.
What is the Disease Model of Addiction?.
What is an IQ Score (Intelligence Quotient)?.
Empathy vs. Sympathy in Counseling.
Is the Hawthorne Effect a Myth?.
What are the differences between False Consensus Effect and Projection?.
What is Sublimation? (Freudian Defense Mechanism).
What is Cognitive Dissonance Theory?.
The Relationship Between Intelligence, Conscientiousness, and Success.
What Causes Aggressive Driving?.
What is Alexithymia? (Inability to Express or Recognize Emotions).
What is the Schizophrenogenic Mother?.
What are Flashbacks? (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder [PTSD] - Intrusion Symptom).
What are Repressed Memories and are they real?.
Taught by
Dr. Todd Grande