Explore a thought-provoking video examining the surprising disagreements among mathematicians on fundamental mathematical concepts and conventions. Delve into contentious topics like whether 0^0 is indeterminate or equals 1, if zero should be considered a natural number, the continuity of the function 1/x, and whether f(x)=1 qualifies as an increasing function. Learn about ongoing debates regarding the linearity of 3x+1, the controversial Axiom of Choice, and the infamous 6/2(1+2) expression that divides opinion. Understand how even basic mathematical concepts can have multiple valid interpretations and why these differences in perspective matter in mathematical discourse.
Math conventions
0^0 is indeterminate?
0 is a natural number?
1/x is a continuous function?
fx=1 is increasing?
3x+1 is linear?
Axiom of Choice?
Taught by
Dr. Trefor Bazett