Mastectomy vs. Lumpectomy - Maggie DiNome, MD - UCLAMDChat
University of California, Los Angeles via YouTube
Explore the surgical options for breast cancer with UCLA breast surgeon Maggie DiNome, MD, in this informative webinar. Learn about the evolution of breast cancer surgery, from the Halsted radical mastectomy to modern lumpectomy techniques. Understand the goals of surgery, the importance of margins and lymph nodes, and the role of surgery in overall treatment. Discover why bigger surgeries don't always lead to better outcomes for early-stage breast cancer patients. Gain insights into cosmetic considerations, circulating tumor cells, and preventive mastectomies. Conclude with key takeaway messages and a Q&A session to address common concerns about breast cancer surgery options.
Breast cancer surgery
Halsted radical mastectomy
Bernard Fisher
circulating tumor cells
Lymph nodes
Goals of surgery
Role of surgery
Mastectomy for prevention
Takehome messages
Taught by
UCLA Health