Explore recent advancements in understanding resurgent properties of integrable field theories in two dimensions in this comprehensive lecture. Begin with a brief overview of Borel resummations and a historical perspective on the study of large order behavior in perturbation theory within quantum field theory. Delve into fundamental concepts of resurgence and their application to three well-known integrable field theories that are UV-free, develop mass gaps in the IR, allow for 1/N expansion, and exhibit renormalon singularities. Examine the interplay between resurgent properties and the 1/N expansion, focusing on the free energy observable in the presence of a chemical potential coupled to a conserved charge. Learn about exact computations using thermodynamic Bethe ansatz techniques and large N QFT methods, as well as results at finite N. This 2-hour and 18-minute lecture, delivered by Marco Serone from SISSA, Trieste, at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES), offers an in-depth exploration of cutting-edge research in integrable field theories.
Resurgence in Integrable Field Theories - Lecture 3
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) via YouTube
Marco Serone - 3/3 Resurgence in Integrable Field Theories
Taught by
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES)