What is different about RISC-V?
RISC-V base integer registers
RISC-V Standard Extensions
RISC-V International
RISC-V Open Hours
RISC-V open source cores
RISC-V software ecosystem
RISC-V Privileged Architecture
Control and Status Registers (CSRs)
RISC-V Virtual Memory
What is a Hart?
Advanced Interrupt Architecture (AIA)
Supervisor Binary Interface (SBI)
SBI Extensions
Hypervisor extension
OpenSBI Generic Platform
UEFI Support
RISC-V Platform Specification
RISC-V ACPI Platform Specification
RISC-V emulation in QEMU
RISC-V in the Linux kernel
Linux 5.18
Upcoming Linux 6.0
Work in progress
Linux distro: Fedora
Linux distro: Ubuntu
OpenEmbedded and Yocto
T-Head PTE format
Page-Based Memory Types extension
Svpbmt support in Linux
Cache Management Operations
CMO support in Linux
RISC-V Developer Boards
Taught by
Linux Foundation