Build the Netflix App in React Native & AWS Amplify - Tutorial for Beginners
notJust․dev via YouTube
Build a Netflix-like mobile app from scratch using React Native and AWS Amplify in this comprehensive tutorial for beginners. Learn hybrid mobile development through hands-on practice as you create essential features like bottom tab navigation, movie poster rendering, FlatList implementation for movie lists, home category components, and a detailed movie screen. Dive into advanced functionalities such as episode components, season dropdown pickers, and video player integration. Follow along with provided assets, source code, and step-by-step instructions to enhance your skills in React Native and AWS Amplify. Engage with the development community, seek feedback on your project, and take advantage of the included Q&A session to deepen your understanding of mobile app development.
Init the Expo project
Setup Bottom Tab Navigator
Home Screen: Render Movie Poster Image
Home Screen: Render a list of movies FlatList
Home Category Component
Movie Details Screen
Episode component
Render the list of episodes
Season Dropdown Picker
Video Player
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