⌨️ Introduction
⌨️ What is React Native?
⌨️ Expo
⌨️ Setup with Expo
⌨️ Setting up a custom app
⌨️ Setting up Android Studio
⌨️ The directory structure
⌨️ Setting up linting
⌨️ Setting up Prettier
⌨️ Debugging
⌨️ Native components
⌨️ Core components
⌨️ JSX
⌨️ Working with components
⌨️ What are components
⌨️ Creating our first component
⌨️ Styling basics
⌨️ Layout props
⌨️ The current weather screen
⌨️ Adding icons to the screen
⌨️ Components
⌨️ Reviewing what we have learnt so far
⌨️ Creating the upcoming weather component
⌨️ Introducing lists
⌨️ Implementing our list
⌨️ Key extractors
⌨️ Other FlatList props
⌨️ Styling our FlatList
⌨️ Images
⌨️ Using an image in the upcoming weather component
⌨️ ImageBackground
⌨️ Props
⌨️ Refactoring what we have done so far
⌨️ Implementing the city screen
⌨️ Refactoring the city screen
⌨️ Refactoring the current weather screen
⌨️ Introducing Navigation
⌨️ Implementing tabs in our app
⌨️ Styling our tabs
⌨️ Extracting the tabs
⌨️ State
⌨️ The useState hook
⌨️ Hooks
⌨️ The useEffect hook
⌨️ Adding a loading state
⌨️ Using the open weather map api
⌨️ Getting the users location
⌨️ Seting up fetching the api data
⌨️ Fetching the Api data
⌨️ Making our own hook
⌨️ Passing the data to our components
⌨️ Updating current weather to use the data
⌨️ Updating the upcoming weather to use the data
⌨️ Installing Moment
⌨️ Updating the city component
⌨️ Creating the error screen
⌨️ Some last refactoring
⌨️ Bonus material
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