Basic Navigation
Perspective and Ortho views
Add new meshes/Primitives
Deleting objects
Quick look at the Edit mode
Layout and Modeling viewports
Downloading a few excellent free Plugins
Installing Plugins
QBlocker Plugin for creating Primitives faster
Select and deselect objects
Move, rotate and scale
Increasing the undo steps
Slowing actions down for more precision
Updating Blender to a newer version release
Wireframe Mode and putting it on a shortcut
CAD Transform Plugin
Object and Edit mode
Vertex, Edge, Face Mode
Loop and Ring selections
Element Mode
Dissolving Edges
Vertex to Edge connection
Dissolving Faces
Fill Mode/Bridge Mode
Backface Culling
Collapsing geometry
Target welding
Maxivzs interactive tools
Quick Favorites
Putting Select, Move, Rotate and Scale on Q,W,E,R Shortcuts
Aligning geometry on X,Y or Z
Xray Mode
Knife/Cut tool
Tilde key - Quick ortho view menu
Edge Constraint mode
Instances and copies in Edit Mode
Separate/Detach elements
Changing the origin/pivot point on our object
Instances and copies in Object Mode
Attaching Objects together
Separating several elements
Isolation mode
Material Editor and assigning materials
Copying materials from object to object
Working on multiple objects in edit mode
Boolean Modifier
Bevel modifier and Bevel weights / making highpoly geometry
Subdivision Surface / Turbosmooth
Edit vs. Object mode again
Wireframe Mode full
Mirror Modifier
Modifier hierarchy
Solidify/Shell Modifier
Boolean operations with JMesh Plugin
Bevel with JMesh Plugin
Primitive Mode & Boolean operations with JMesh Plugin
Mirroring with JMesh Plugin
Array modifier with JMesh Plugin
Circle Array modifier with JMesh Plugin
Reset X Form
Flipping Normals
Smart Extrude / Extrude Manifold
Curves, Shapes or Splines
Mesh to curve with JMesh Plugin
Text in Blender
Let's model a 20mm Vulcan Cannon Round
Units setup in Blender
Adding a reference image and scaling it to the right size
Measure tool
Loop Cut tool
Orbit around selection
Center origin pivot points to multiple objects
Ridgid body and gravity drop
Visual Transform
Adding lights and adjusting their properties
Shading Mode and adding a HDRI image
Scene properties Ambient Occlusion, Surface Reflections etc.
Camera settings and making a render
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