Dive into a comprehensive 52-minute video tutorial on implementing JWT authentication in a MERN stack application. Learn how to secure your API by creating a user model, adding user authentication to the goal model, and setting up user routes and controller functions. Explore the process of registering users, hashing passwords, and authenticating users. Master the generation of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) and implement authentication middleware. Discover how to protect routes, retrieve user-specific data, and manage user goals securely. Follow along as the tutorial covers creating, updating, and deleting user goals while maintaining proper authentication throughout the application.
- Intro & Current Code.
- What is JWT?.
- User Model.
- Add User to Goal Model.
- User Routes & Controller Functions.
- Register User.
- Hash Password.
- Authenticate User.
- Generate JWT.
- Auth Middleware.
- Protecting Routes & getMe().
- Protect Goal Routes.
- Get Only Users Goals.
- Setting a User Goal.
-Update a User Goal.
- Delete User Goal.
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Traversy Media