Envisioning ICT-Enhanced Higher Education 2025 - Blended Next-Generation Teaching and Learning
Kyoto-U OCW - Unofficial via YouTube
Explore a 24-minute special lecture delivered by Professor Toru Iiyoshi, Director of the Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education at Kyoto University, focusing on the future of ICT-enhanced higher education in 2025. Delivered at the Inamori Hall, Shirankaikan at Kyoto University, the lecture examines cutting-edge ICT-enhanced teaching and learning approaches among top Asian universities and presents a vision for blended next-generation higher education. Gain insights into how technology integration is reshaping educational practices and what the future holds for technology-enhanced learning in higher education institutions.
Kyoto U. "Envisioning Blended Next-Generation Higher Education" Toru Iiyoshi, Mar. 2, 2018
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Kyoto-U OCW - Unofficial