) JavaScript tutorial for beginners .
) variables ❎.
) arithmetic expressions .
) user input .
) type conversion .
) const ⛔.
) Math .
) hypotenuse calc practice program .
) counter program #️⃣.
) random number generator .
) useful string methods .
) string slicing ✂️.
) method chaining ⛓️.
) if statements ❔.
) checked property ✔️.
) switches .
) AND OR logical operators && ||.
) NOT logical operator ❕.
) while loops .
) do while loops .
) for loops .
) break and continue statements .
) nested loops ➿.
) functions ☎️.
) return statement .
) ternary operator ❔.
) var vs let .
) template literals .
) format currency .
) number guessing game .
) temperature conversion program ️.
) arrays .
) loop through an array ➰ .
) sort an array of strings ️.
) 2D arrays .
) spread operator ️.
) rest parameters .
) callbacks .
) array.forEach() .
) array.map() ⚙️.
) array.filter() ️.
) array.reduce() .
) sort an array of numbers .
) function expressions .
) arrow function expressions .
) shuffle an array .
) nested functions .
) maps ️.
) objects .
) this keyword .
) classes .
) constructors .
) static keyword ⚡.
) inheritance .
) super keyword ♂️.
) getters & setters ️.
) objects as arguments .
) array of objects .
) anonymous objects .
) error handling .
) setTimeout() ⏰.
) setInterval() ⏲️.
) Date objects .
) clock program .
) asynchronous ⏳.
) console.time() ⌚.
) promises .
) async .
) await ✋.
) ES6 Modules .
) DOM intro ✨.
) element selectors .
) DOM traversal .
) add/change HTML elements .
) add/change CSS properties .
) events ️.
) addEventListener() .
) show/hide HTML elements .
) detect key presses ️ .
) animations ️.
) canvas API ️.
) window .
) cookies .
) stopwatch program ⏱️.
) rock paper scissors game ✊.
) tictactoe game ⭕.
) snake game .
) pong game .
Taught by
Bro Code
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
It's really the best course!!! he starts from scratch and explaining with concepts with real-life examples and he has some pretty simple programs in the middle of the course for better understanding, he also added some mini projects at last to get a grasp of everything we have learned and Feel to free check I highly recommend this course for every newbie!