What is JavaScript?
Setting up the Development Environment
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Primitive Types
Dynamic Typing
Types of Functions
Summary of Variables
Intro to Operators
Arithmetic Operators
Assignment Operator
Comparison Operators
Equality Operators
The Ternary Operator
Logical Operators
Logical Operators with Non-booleans
Operator Precedence
Summary of Operator
If-Else Statements
Switch-Case Statements
For Loops
While Loops
Do-while Loops
Infinite Loops
For-in Loops
For-of Loops
Break and Continue
Exercise: Max of two numbers
Exercise: FizzBuzz
Exercise: Even and Odd Numbers
Summary of Control Flow
Object Literals
Factory Functions
Constructor Functions
Objects are Dynamic
The Constructor Property
Functions are Objects
Value vs Reference types
Enumerating Properties of an Object
Cloning an Object
Garbage Collection
The Built in Math Function
String Methods
Template Literals
The Date Object
Summary of Objects
Introduction to Arrays
Adding Elements
Finding Elements Primitives
Finding Elements Reference Types
Arrow Functions
Removing Elements
Emptying an Array
Combining and Slicing Arrays
Spread Operator
Iterating an Array
Joining Arrays
Sorting Arrays
Testing the Elements of an Array
Filtering an Array
Mapping an Array
Reducing an Array
Function Declarations vs Expressions
The Rest Operator
Default Parameters
Getters and Setters
Try and Catch
Local vs Global Scope
Let vs Var
The ‘this’ keyword
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5.0 rating, based on 2 Class Central reviews
I recently completed the JavaScript Beginner Course, and I couldn't be happier with my experience! This course was exactly what I needed as someone just starting out in web development. The lessons were structured thoughtfully, with each concept building on the last, making it easy to follow along.
This course is very useful for that who want to learn basic Java script .This course is incredible and I have no doubt in any basics in Java script . You can understand easily java script through this course