Introduction to Experiments in Flight
NPTEL and Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur via YouTube
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Weighment and Calculation of CG (Theory).
Cruise Experiment (Theory).
Weighment Experiment and cockpit panel description.
Drag Polar Experiment.
CG and Climb Experiment.
Calibration of Control Surface.
Calibration of Control Surfaces (Experiment).
Introduction to Flight Data Recorder.
Sensors- Part I.
Sensors- Part II.
Data Acquisition using MEMS devices.
Estimation of Stick-Fixed Neutral Point.
Estimation of Stick-Free Neutral Point and Stick-Free Maneuvering Point.
Static: Lateral-Directional Stability Test.
Static: Lateral-Directional Stability Test .......continued.
Steady Coordinated Turn.
Introduction to Parameter Estimation.
Parameter Estimation using Least Squares Method.
Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation using Least Squares Method.
Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation using Delta Method.
Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation using Delta Method Contd...
Taught by
aerospace engineering
4.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
This course taught me a great foundation on experiments during flight. It teaches you how to prep and also think outside the box on safety concerns such as weight balance transfers, propulsion ration and fostering an environment of safety measures. This was an awesome course.