Explore a thought-provoking debate between Silicon Valley titans Peter Thiel and Marc Andreessen on the future of technology and innovation. Moderated by Martin Giles of The Economist, this 57-minute Milken Institute talk delves into the contrasting views of these influential entrepreneurs and investors. Examine Andreessen's optimistic outlook on software's potential to revolutionize industries, while considering Thiel's concerns about stagnation in critical sectors like energy, pharmaceuticals, and space exploration. Gain insights into their perspectives on measuring innovation, the impact of government monopolies, and the relationship between technological progress and economic austerity. Discover how these tech luminaries envision the future of science, business, and innovation, and consider the implications for society and the global economy.
Peter Thiel
The Car
How to measure
Government monopolies
How to measure innovation
How to change your mind
Taught by
Milken Institute