The boring disclaimer
A few definitions
Why bother?
The sample
visual inspection
The checklist
Tools of the trade
disassembly, IDA Pro
Stage 2: disassembly, Ghidra
Stage 2: Structures!
Stage 2: Structures. This is the IDA way.
Stage 2: Structures. The Ghidra way.
Stage 2: Structures. The hard way.
Stage 2: Structures. The hard way, in Ghidra
Stage 2: Applying structures, IDA Pro
Stage 2: Fields of structures
Stage 2: Local types
Stage 2: Applying structures, Ghidra
Stage 2: Next pointer
Stage 2: Next steps
Stage 2: Where to next?
Now you make the tools
Stage 3: The task
Stage 3: IDA plugin
Stage 3: Ghidra script
Stage 3: Common parts
Stage 3: The data
Stage 3: Action!
Stage 3: The source code
Areas for development
Taught by