Explore the power of automating binary analysis using Ghidra's P-Code in this informative conference talk from BruCON 0x0D. Dive into the world of Ghidra, a free and open-source software reverse engineering framework, and discover its potential for creating sophisticated binary analysis tools. Learn about Ghidra's API and SDK capabilities, and understand how to leverage P-Code, Ghidra's intermediate language, for architecture-independent analysis. Follow along as the speaker demonstrates the process of building scripts and tools, starting from simple examples and progressing to more complex scenarios. Gain insights into the benefits of using Ghidra for automated binary analysis, including its open-source nature and extensive architecture support. Whether you're a seasoned reverse engineer or new to the field, this talk offers valuable knowledge on harnessing Ghidra's features for your next binary analysis project.
What is Ghidra
Script Manager
Python vs Java
Headless Mode
Flat Program API
Program API
What is PCode
Enabling PCode
High P Code
Why PCode
Component Object Model
Taught by
BruCON Security Conference