Explore a groundbreaking experiment where ChatGPT was appointed as the CEO of a startup in this thought-provoking TEDx talk. Delve into the controversial landscape of AI optimism and pessimism as João Ferrão dos Santos shares his journey of challenging conventional notions about artificial intelligence's capabilities and limitations. Examine historical tech resistance and future predictions while gaining insights into how this bold venture transformed the speaker's perspective on AI. Reflect on the evolving role of AI in our world and learn how to balance excitement with caution. Discover the potential of AI-driven innovation through the lens of an experienced entrepreneur who founded a company with AI assistance. Gain valuable insights into leveraging artificial intelligence for business innovation and creating against the odds in this 16-minute presentation that pushes the boundaries of our understanding of AI's potential in leadership and decision-making.
I asked ChatGPT to be a CEO and became an AI optimist | João Ferrão dos Santos | TEDxMindelo
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