HexaMesh: Scaling to Hundreds of Chiplets with an Optimized Chiplet Arrangement
Scalable Parallel Computing Lab, SPCL @ ETH Zurich via YouTube
Explore a conference talk on HexaMesh, an innovative chiplet arrangement technique for 2.5D integration. Dive into the challenges of scaling to hundreds of chiplets and optimizing inter-chiplet interconnects. Learn about the theoretical and practical advantages of HexaMesh over traditional grid arrangements, including reduced network diameter, improved bisection bandwidth, lower latency, and enhanced throughput. Understand the background of 2.5D integration, key insights, problem statement, and evaluation methods. Gain valuable knowledge on advanced packaging techniques and their impact on large-scale chiplet designs with high-performance interconnects.
Background: 2.5D Integration
Key Insights & Problem Statement
Optimizing the Chiplet Arrangement
Evaluation: Theoretical Analysis
Shortcomings of Theoretical Analysis
Evaluation: Simulation Results
Taught by
Scalable Parallel Computing Lab, SPCL @ ETH Zurich