Explore the intricate relationship between health, illness, and social support within Asian American communities in this 40-minute lecture presented by The Center for Asian Health Research and Education in partnership with Stanford Health Library. Gain valuable insights from Grace Yoo, PhD, MPH, a Professor and former chair of Asian American studies at San Francisco State University, as she draws upon her 30 years of experience teaching and researching medical sociology and public health. Delve into the unique role and significance of social support in Asian American contexts, particularly in relation to health outcomes, illness experiences, and aging processes. Enhance your understanding of cultural nuances in healthcare and social dynamics within this diverse population. For further information or personalized research assistance, take advantage of Stanford Health Library's free librarian services and explore their mindfulness and meditation resources to support your own well-being.
Health, Illness, and Social Support in the Asian American Community
Taught by
Stanford Health Care