Food Insecurity and Mental Health - Impacts on Children and Families
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore the profound connection between food insecurity and mental health in this 59-minute conference talk from The Aspen Institute. Delve into the silent and devastating impacts on children and families, examining topics such as stigma, fear of disclosure, and cultural implications. Learn about potential solutions, including SNAP benefits and strategies for breaking the stigma surrounding food insecurity. Gain insights into systemic issues, culturally relevant food, and specific approaches for addressing food insecurity among adolescents, college students, and young parents. Engage with audience questions and discussions on best practices for supporting younger children and setting the context for understanding this critical issue.
Fear of disclosure
Breaking the Stigma
Cultural Implications
Audience Questions
Systemic Issues
Food Insecurity
Audience Question
Culturally Relevant Food
Best Approach for Adolescents
Setting the Context
College Food Insecurity
Strategies for Younger Children
Young Parents
Taught by
The Aspen Institute