Excel & Business Math - MEDIAN Function for FICA Social Security & Medicare Payroll Deductions
ExcelIsFun via YouTube
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) Introduction.
) FICA Payroll Social Security & Medicare Tax Deductions.
) Calculating FICA Deductions and Net Pay Long Hand, all three situations.
) Learning How to Make a Tax Calculation When There is a Hurdle That Changes The Tax Rate.
) Using MEDIAN Function to Deal With Tax Hurdles.
) Payroll Employee Table Example for Tax Deductions and Net Pay.
) Summary.
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4.7 rating, based on 3 Class Central reviews
Short, Quick and Easy to Understand.
US Payroll Deductions, FICA 7.45% (SST - 6.2% & Medicare 1.45%) Tax Brackets and Pre-Tax deductions. -
It was an great class I have ever seen. Easy understandable to everyone. One negative thing that I saw is that the length of the videos is long. Please covert into short, it will be easy for everyone
Good presentation conceptually very clear , The quality of classes are awesome , Without any hassle go for it.