Explore a thought-provoking conference talk that delves into the concept of "Entanglement HCI" through the lens of digital musical instruments. Examine the interdisciplinary approach taken by researchers Andrew McPherson and Landon Morrison as they engage in a diffractive dialogue, bridging the gap between technical knowledge from design and engineering and critical theories from music, media, and cultural studies. Discover how keyboards and step sequencers, along with their recent remediations in musical interaction research, serve as object lessons to highlight the complex interdependencies of theory, design, and practice. Gain insights into the evolving landscape of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and its intersection with musical interactions, challenging conventional paradigms and encouraging a broader, more inclusive approach to technosocial mediation.
Entangling Entanglement - A Diffractive Dialogue on HCI and Musical Interactions
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) via YouTube
Entangling Entanglement: A Diffractive Dialogue on HCI and Musical Interactions
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