Dive into a thought-provoking TEDx talk that begins with a startling digital deepfake, as strategic futurist Dr. Mark van Rijmenam explores the challenges of our post-truth world. Examine the blurred lines between reality and artificial intelligence, including the impact of deepfakes and large language models like ChatGPT on society. Follow Dr. van Rijmenam's journey as an optimistic dystopian and discover his three-pronged strategy - Education, Verification, and Regulation - designed to foster a thriving digital future. Gain valuable insights into AI, blockchain, the metaverse, and emerging technologies from this Certified Speaking Professional and Global Speaking Fellow. Learn how these innovations are reshaping our world and how organizations can adapt to thrive in the digital age. Explore the complexities of our evolving digital landscape and leave equipped with a deeper understanding of the steps needed to navigate our post-truth era successfully.
Ensuring a Thriving Digital Future in a Post-Truth World | Mark van Rijmenam | TEDxAthens
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