Dive into a thought-provoking TEDx talk that begins with a startling digital deepfake, as strategic futurist Dr. Mark van Rijmenam explores the challenges of our post-truth world. Discover the impact of AI technologies like deepfakes and large language models on society, and learn about the speaker's journey as an optimistic dystopian. Gain insights into a three-pronged strategy - Education, Verification, and Regulation - designed to navigate and shape a thriving digital future. Explore how emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, and the metaverse are transforming our world, and understand their potential implications for organizations and governments. This 19-minute presentation, delivered by an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker and trusted advisor, offers a balanced and candid perspective on how technology is reshaping society, providing valuable insights for managers, directors, and C-level executives across industries.
Ensuring a Thriving Digital Future in a Post-Truth World | Mark van Rijmenam | TEDxAthens
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