Learn how to control DC motors using various motor driver modules with Arduino or other microcontrollers in this comprehensive video tutorial. Explore seven different motor driver modules, including dual and single H-bridges, and understand their hookup, coding, and practical demonstrations with motors of various sizes. Discover three methods for controlling speed and direction, making it easy to adapt sketches for different motor sizes. Gain insights into simple Arduino code and useful libraries that simplify motor driver programming. Follow along as the instructor covers DC motor driver basics, L298N and TB6612FNG dual H-bridges, DRV8871 and MX1508 H-bridges, DBH-12 dual H-bridge, IBT-2 single H-bridge, and the MD25HV single H-bridge controller. Access additional resources, including code samples and a dedicated forum, to enhance your understanding of DC motor control with microcontrollers.
- Introduction
- DC Motor Driver Basics
- L298N Dual H-Bridge
- TB6612FNG Dual H-Bridge
- DRV8871 Single H-Bridge
- MX1508 Dual H-Bridge
- DBH-12 Dual H-Bridge
- IBT-2 Single H-Bridge
- MD25HV Single H-Bridge & Controller
- Conclusion
Taught by
DroneBot Workshop