Ctrl - Shift - Enter- Excel Array Formulas - Extract Unique Lists & Sorting Formulas
ExcelIsFun via YouTube
min) Extract Unique List with PivotTable..
min) Extract Unique List with Advanced Filter..
min) Extract Unique List with Formula: INDEX and SMALL functions..
min) Extract Unique List with Formula: Helper Column..
min) Extract Unique Records (more than one column) with helper column formula..
min) Sort numbers with formula..
min) Helper column formula to sort (ascending) records based on numeric column..
min) Array formula to sort (ascending) records based on numeric column..
min) Extract top 3 score and name associated with score (including ties)..
min) Helper column formula to sort (ascending) records based on text column..
min) Extract unique list of words and sort with formula when there are no empty cells..
min) Extract unique list of mixed data and sort with formula, empty cells okay..
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