Explore the Norwegian regional stochastic model of the Covid-19 epidemic in this informative webinar. Delve into the SEIR-type stochastic model used by Norwegian health authorities for short-term predictions. Learn how decisions are made and data is collected within Norway's efficient public health system. Discover the innovative use of mobile phone mobility data to represent individual movements and account for imported infections. Examine the inference methods and assumptions employed in various models based on available data and sequencing. Gain insights into the challenges faced when working with these model parameters. Led by speaker Arnoldo Frigessi from the University of Oslo and moderated by Gyan Bhanot from Rutgers University, this 81-minute webinar provides a comprehensive overview of Norway's approach to modeling and managing the Covid-19 epidemic.
CRRG Webinar: Norwegian regional stochastic model of COV-19 epidemics
Taught by
APS Physics