Watch the second part of a comprehensive tutorial on creating a personal brand identity with graphic designer Julia Masalska. Learn how to refresh your brand and develop a full branding and identity workflow using Illustrator on iPad and desktop. Discover techniques for creating Instagram templates, designing carousels, using the slice tool, recoloring illustrations, and managing swatches. Explore advanced features in Adobe XD, including auto-animate, type hierarchy, and recording preview animations. Gain insights on brand strategy, treating yourself as a client, and efficiently aligning elements. Perfect for designers looking to enhance their personal branding skills and master Adobe Creative Suite tools.
Brand strategy
Seeing yourself as a client while designing for yourself
Creating instagram templates
Seamless artboards and designing a carousel
Artboard properties
Using rulers
Using the slice tool to create an instagram spread
: Recolor Illustration
The swatches panel
Aligning elements
Auto animate in XD
Type Hierarchy
Drag/Drop images into place in XD
Recording preview animation in XD
Taught by
Adobe Creative Cloud