Explore a comprehensive lecture on artificial intelligence focusing on the implementation of Connect 4 game AI. Dive into user interface controls, testing scenarios, and key components like GameState.js and Players.js. Learn about crucial AI functions including getAction(), IDAlphaBeta(), AlphaBeta(), and eval(). Understand the marking scheme, tournament qualification criteria, and receive valuable debugging hints. Gain practical insights into AI techniques applied to game development in this 53-minute session from Memorial University's Computer Science 3200 course.
- Connect 4
- User Interface Controls
- Ignore These Dates from 2022
- UI Testing Scenarios
- Print Eval Button
- Assignment Code
- GameState.js
- Players.js
- Player_Student.js
- Constructor / Class Variables
- getAction function
- IDAlphaBeta function
- AlphaBeta function
- eval function
- Marking Scheme
- Tournament Qualification
- Final Debugging Hints
Taught by
Dave Churchill