Explore a groundbreaking documentary that examines the critical state of Earth's environment and the potential for scientific intervention. Journey across the globe, from the Himalayas to Antarctica and the Amazon Rainforest to the High Arctic, in visually stunning footage. Delve into pressing environmental issues including the water crisis, changing ecosystems, rising oceans, accelerating climate change, human health impacts, and the shift towards renewable energy. Learn about the urgent timeline for action and the window of opportunity to address these challenges. Gain insights from world-leading climate scientists and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on what may be the most crucial moment in Earth's history.
- Intro
- Water Crisis
- Changing Ecosystems
- Rise of Oceans
- Rate of Change
- Human Health
- Renewable Energy
- Window of Opportunity
Taught by
Earth Stories - Climate Change Documentaries