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Learn how to effectively schedule and automate social media posts across multiple platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. Discover strategies for creating a balanced content mix, setting optimal posting frequencies, and using Buffer to streamline your social media management. Explore features like content scheduling, bulk uploads, analytics, and browser extensions to save time while maintaining an engaging social presence. Get tips on avoiding spammy practices and adding personal touches to automated posts.
Adding Social Accounts
Posting Schedule
Content Inbox
Bulk Upload
Other Buffer Features
Buffer Extension
Buffer Analytics
Taught by
Wade McMaster
5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
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I recently completed the Social Media Management course, and I'm thoroughly impressed! This comprehensive program covered everything from the fundamentals to advanced strategies for managing social media presence.
1. Engaging instructors with real-world expertise.
2. Well-structured modules, easy to follow and digest.
3. Interactive quizzes, assignments, and group discussions.
4. Up-to-date content, covering latest social media trends.
5. Practical tips for creating effective content calendars.
1. Some video lectures felt slightly outdated.
2. Limited focus on emerging platforms (e.g., TikTok).