He could not internalize success
This is Imposter Syndrome
What was I contributing to the infosec field?
I was just testing web apps
I didn't know how to program
My life was actually quite good in 2012
looked for work outside infosec
Listening to a podcast
And things started making sense
First described by Dr. Suzanne Imes & Dr. Pauline Rose Clance in a 1978 paper
Your subjective perception overpowers objective reality
Imposter Feelings may come and go within a person
About 70% of people experience at least one episode in their life
A continuum of signs and feelings
Pressure to achieve
Starting new projects or new work
More likely the longer you are in a field
Dunning-Kruger Effect
The Imposter Feelings Cycle
Fear of success and Fear of failure
Failure to try
Are you asking, "Do/did I have Imposter Feelings?"
You attributed your successes to luck
You belittled your work or accomplishments
You discounted your contributions
There are online tests
People with Imposter Feelings suffer in silence
You can work to overcome Imposter Feelings
Recognize trigger feelings and situations
Request honest feedback
Reframe your negative thoughts
achievements, accomplishments and progress
Practice accepting compliments
Remember what you do well
Realize that no one is perfect
You a perfectionist? Work a project until it is good enough
Put a time limit on revising work
Use "safe" environments to practice skills
I strive to be a high-functioning imposter
Imposter Feelings Resources