Bref4 Compression: Increasing Analyses Performed on Compressed Sequence Data
Computational Genomics Summer Institute CGSI via YouTube
Explore the latest advancements in genomic data compression through this conference talk on Bref4 compression. Learn how this innovative technique enhances the ability to perform analyses directly on compressed sequence data. Delve into the evolution of compression methods, from the positional Burrows-Wheeler transform to the development of Bref3 and now Bref4. Examine the challenges and solutions in storing and processing large-scale genomic data efficiently. Discover how Bref4 compression compares to other methods like VCFShark and XSI, and understand its potential impact on computational genomics. Gain insights into the practical applications of this technology for improving genotype imputation services and handling next-generation reference panels.
Brian Browning | Bref4 compression: increasing the analyses that can be performed ... | CGSI 2024
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Computational Genomics Summer Institute CGSI