Embark on a comprehensive two-hour tutorial designed for beginners to master Blender 2.9. Learn essential 3D modeling techniques from CG professional Robby Branham as you create a detailed sword model. Explore key concepts including hotkeys, edit mode, modeling operations, modifiers, UV mapping, and shader creation. Progress through step-by-step instructions covering gear creation, sword components modeling, UV unwrapping, and shader assignments. Gain practical skills in using primitives, mirror modifiers, extrusions, and creating complex shapes like the pommel and blade. Dive into the intricacies of UV mapping and shading to bring your 3D sword model to life with realistic textures and a glowing rune effect.
Overview -
Intro -
Hotkeys -
Edit Mode -
Modeling Operations -
Gear -
Subdiv Modifier -
Bevel Modifier -
Primitives -
Handle -
Guard -
Mirror Modifier -
Guard Extrusions -
Guard Holding Edges -
Pommel Cylinder -
Pommel Torus -
Pommel Tip -
Pommel Tip 2 -
Blade -
Grove -
UVs Explained -
UV Tab -
Handle -
Guard and Blade -
Pommel -
Shading Tab -
Blade Shader -
Duplication -
Rune Glow -
Rune Assignment -
Pommel Assignment -
Outro -
Taught by
CG Fast Track