Fault Tolerant Quantum Computation Using Majorana-Based Topological Qubits
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) via YouTube
Explore fault-tolerant quantum computation using Majorana-based topological qubits in this 58-minute lecture by Bela Bauer from Microsoft Research. Delivered at IPAM's Topology, Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Gravity Workshop on November 29, 2023, the talk introduces the tetron qubit, a variant of topological qubits built on Majorana zero modes in semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures. Discover how an array of tetrons and measurement-based operations can implement scalable error correction. Gain insights into recent progress on codes tailored for this architecture, paving the way for scalable, fault-tolerant quantum computation.
Bela Bauer - Fault Tolerant Quantum Computation using Majorana-Based Topological Qubits
Taught by
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)