Dive into a comprehensive tutorial on setting up and monitoring AWS VPC Flow Logs. Begin by establishing a VPC environment, including VPC and Subnet configuration, and EC2 instance deployment. Learn to create and manage IAM roles with appropriate permissions for VPC Flow Logs operation. Proceed to set up a CloudWatch Log Group for storing flow logs, understanding key settings for efficient log storage and access. Master the process of enabling and configuring VPC Flow Logs, including choosing log destinations and setting up necessary IAM permissions. Gain insights into securing network traffic data, troubleshooting connectivity issues, and leveraging AWS features for enhanced security and compliance. Follow clear, step-by-step instructions suitable for both AWS beginners and experienced users looking to optimize their network visibility and security.
Timestamp VPC, Subnet, EC2 setup
Timestamp - Cloudwatch Log group, VPC Flow log
Taught by
Rahul Wagh