This lab provides you with a basic overview of collecting various types of logs into CloudWatch hence we can look for possible security related events
1 Hours 30 MinutesCourse Objectives
In this course, you will learn how to:
- Install and configure CloudWatch Agents on the EC2 instances using Systems Manager
- Collect web server and system logs from an EC2 instance and publish them over to CloudWatch Logs
- Enable Amazon VPC Flow Logs across VPCs and subnets
- Enable CloudWatch Logs for an Amazon RDS database instance
- Explore logs using CloudWatch Logs Insights
- Inspect logs using CloudWatch Logs Insights and CloudWatch Metrics
Intended Audience
This course is intended for:
- Architects
- Infrastructure Engineers
We recommend that attendees of this course have the following prerequisites:
- Familiar with services like Amazon EC2, CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon VPC, and Amazon RDS
- Familiar with using the AWS Management Console
Course Outline
- Task 1: Setting up instance logging agents using AWS Systems Manager
- Task 2: Network logging
- Task 3: Enable database logging
- Task 4: Validating and exploring log streams
- Task 5: Log discovery