Embark on a captivating journey of discovery in this 19-minute TEDx talk by renowned Indian writer and documentary filmmaker Sohail Hashmi. Explore how a child's innocent question sparked a lifelong passion for unraveling India's rich cultural identity. Delve into the origins of Indian cuisine, clothing, and architecture as Hashmi encourages listeners to "question everything." Through masterful storytelling, ignite your own sense of curiosity about India's diverse heritage and history. Learn from Hashmi's extensive experience in researching and documenting India's cultural landscape, including his work on UNESCO World Heritage Sites and his advocacy for protecting historical landmarks. Gain inspiration to approach the world with fresh eyes and a thirst for knowledge, as Hashmi demonstrates the power of curiosity in uncovering the hidden stories that shape our understanding of culture and identity.
Awakening Curiosity | Sohail Hashmi | TEDxIIFTDelhi
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