Explore a thought-provoking discussion featuring Scott Neeson, former Hollywood producer and founder of the Cambodian Children's Fund, and internationally celebrated yoga teacher Seane Corn. Delve into the concept of creating a life of meaning and purpose by answering the call to serve others. Discover how these inspiring individuals have motivated thousands to follow in their footsteps. Learn about Neeson's journey from Hollywood to founding a charitable organization in Cambodia, and gain insights from Corn's experiences as a renowned yoga instructor. Examine the transformative power of leading with love and its impact on personal fulfillment and global change. This 1-hour and 13-minute talk, part of the Murdock Mind Body Spirit Series in collaboration with Aspen City of Wellbeing Lead with Love, offers valuable perspectives on finding purpose through service and inspiring others to do the same.
Answering the Call - Leading with Love to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Answering the Call: Leading with Love to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose
Taught by
The Aspen Institute