Human Tissue Models for better therapies
Meet the OrganoPlate
OrganoPlate® family
Immune cell migration
Need of novel in vitro immune migration models
Based on publication
Formation of HMEC-1 vessels in the OrganoPlate 3-lane
HMEC-1 vessels can be maintained in immune cell medium
Visualization and quantification of T cells in microfluidic chip
Perfusion of HMEC-1 vessels with fluorescently labelled T cells
ET cells and vasculature interplay
Generation of chemokine gradients in the OrganoPlate 3-lane
T cell extravasation in the presence of chemokine gradients
Donor-to-donor differences are preserved
Induction of vascular inflammation Upregulation of adhesion molecules
Blocking extravasation of T cells
Immune infiltration in the tumor compartment
Immune migration assays are also compatible with HUVECS
The OrganoPlate as a tool to study immune cell extravasation and infiltration
Cell migration in the OrganoPlate
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