Course Description:
Engineering Thermodynamics is the science that defines the relationship between thermal energy and mechanical energy, and it plays a major role in the consideration of mechanical engineering, power engineering, nuclear engineering, aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, etc. In general, Thermodynamics can be applied over a whole range of sciences and subjects, and they govern the way in which energy can be transformed between its various forms.
The subject of Engineering Thermodynamics is closely related to Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and other fundamental and specialized degree courses for students majored in Mechanical Engineering and Power Engineering. As the result, this course plays a very important role in the core courses for undergraduates majored in Mechanical Engineering and related specialties throughout the worldwide.
This course is to present a thorough treatment of Engineering Thermodynamics from the classical viewpoint, to prepare students to use Thermodynamics in engineering practice, and to provide a sound basis for subsequent courses.
This course include 10 Modules, 43 Lectures, and 3 Live Laboratory Experiments. In addition to theoretical teaching, the course also includes experimental teaching, power plant cases, questions, discussion, tests, etc. Teaching processes include video, discussion, Q&A;, assignment, module test, and final exam. By reasonably arranging the teaching process and progress, high-quality teaching and learning can be ensured for this online course.