This course mainly focuses on Cultural Heritage Tourism, which is a branch of cultural tourism oriented towards the cultural heritage of the location where tourism is occurring.This course will take the form of public lectures by Zhang Rouran and a team of international leading cultural heritage experts including Pro. Ken Taylor, Pro. Laurajane Smith, Dr. Steve Brown and Mr. Fergus T. Maclaren. The course provides a broad-based interdisciplinary training in cultural heritage and tourism that is rigorous and intellectually challenging, as preparation for, or as an enhancement to, a career in this area. Welcome to our course!
- Week 1: Cultural Tourism: Definitions and Concepts
- 1.1 Introduction course outline and UNESCO World Heritage Program
- 1.2 Cultural Heritage-1
- 1.3 Cultural Heritage-2
- 1.4 Natural Heritage
- Week 2: Mixed Heritage and Cultural Heritage Categories
- 2.1 Mixed Culture and Natural Heritage
- 2.2 Authenticity, Integrity and Cultural Routes
- 2.3 Special Heritage and Sustainable
- Week 3: Heritage System: Managing and Safeguarding World Heritage Sites
- 3.1 The Australia’s Heritage System and Sydney Opera House
- 3.2 Role of the ISCCL and Cultural Landscape (1)
- 3.3 Role of the ISCCL and Cultural Landscape (2)
- 3.4 Rural Landscapes as Heritage
- 3.5 Case Study: Mongolian Altai
- Week 4: Cultural Landscapes: Meanings, Values, Assessment, Documentation
- 4.1 Introduction of the Meaning of 'landscape’
- 4.2 Landscape Values
- 4.3 Reading the Landscape: Identification and Assessment
- 4.4 Case Study: Wingecarribee Historic Landscape
- Week 5: Sustainable Indigenous Tourism
- 5.1 Indigenous Tourism
- 5.2 Case Study and Conclusion: Great Expectations for Tourism
- Week 6: Affect and Emotion in Heritage Tourism
- 6.1 The Definition of Heritage in Heritage Performance Study
- 6.2 Heritage Performance - Evidence from Australia, England and USA
- 6.3 The Conclusion of Heritage Performance
Taught by
Rouran Zhang